The Worst Foods In America!!!

By now you know that we are living in the most obese time in American History.  Our portions are too big, ingredients suck and we’re are not exercising enough.  Foodwise, with all that we do know we still aren’t watching what we put into our bodies and we are raising our children to lead the same unhealthy lifestyles. 

Writer David Zinczenko (Eat This Not That), along with Matt Goulding for Men’s Health found out just how unhealthy some of our favorites are for us.  You will be surprised at the calorie count of some of our favorite foods and drinks in American culture.  On the list of worst drinks, is a beverage that we think is a quick grab for vitamins, that actually is bad for us.  Another damaging favorite, is served at dinner tables across the country containing 1,210 calories, 62 g of fat, and 3,450 mg of sodium.  

Hopefully, these articles will make you more conscious about what you eat and drink. Reading them definitely has got me thinking of what I will grab next time I’m in the cooler at my corner store.  Two of my favorite drinks made the list.  

Worst Foods in America

Worst Drinks in America

-Ken Marcelle

~ by Ken Marcelle on May 20, 2008.

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